English 4: Post 3: PET Plastic

 Hello everyone, today I am going to talk to you about a daily and interesting topic.  

The bottle is based on polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is an FDA-approved plastic and is generally used for soft drinks, dressings, vegetable oil, etc.

PET is the most recycled plastic (identified by the recycling symbol with the number 1). It is one of the most versatile materials available, it is flexible, does not break, does not cut, is lightweight and economical when compared to other plastics, and can be perfectly molded into a bottle, carafe, etc.

A benefit of this container is the color, since being transparent improves the perception of consumers.

Contact with oxygen and humidity present in the air can generate reactions that are not very beneficial for the oil, causing oxidation reactions that eventually lead to deterioration of the product, in turn modifying its quality. The preservation time of the products, the permeability of the plastic, among other factors, have played an important role in the stability of the oil, due to the fact that it reduces its oxidation, allowing a good sealing once it is packaged, reasons why this type of packaging is used.


*Andrés, P. (2021). Yogurt: Elaboration and Preservation (page 2) <https://www.monografias.com/trabajos73/yogur-elaboracion-conservacion/yogur-elaboracion-conservacion2.shtml#:~:text=The%20packing%20can%20be%20performed%20before%20maintaining%20the%20safety%20of%20the%20product>.

*%20Country%20Agenda. (2018). 10 things to know about PET plastic.


*Ecoembes Yellow, Green and Blue Ecoembes Blog (n.d). Yogurt tubs. [online]<https://www.amarilloverdeyazul.com/tarrinas-de-yogurt/>.

*CENEM Communications (n.d). PACKAGING TIPS. [online] <https://www.cenem.cl/detalle-tip.php?id=21.>


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