English 4: Post 4: Themed Free Post: Animals and their care.

 Hello everyone, today I am writing to you about a subject that we experience every day, but which is no less important.

It is about animals and their care, many of us believe that adopting a pet is simple and that it only requires food and water, but it is not so.

Here I tell you a little more about what it means to have a pet, it is about being responsible, a pet or an animal, as you prefer to call them is a living being, so just like humans need care and spaces that give them comfort.

When incorporating a new member to the family we have to consider for example, how many people live in the home, how old they are, how much space and attention will be available to this new member, then it is important to be clear that like humans, this character requires medical care, so it will have to visit the doctor regularly, we must have money for their medicines both routine and in case they get sick, we must give them a lot of love, if necessary make the corresponding walks.

It is important to take good care of the animals, they can make us very happy, but we must be responsible.


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