English 4, Post 6, 'Time Travel to the future'

 Hello everyone, I hope you are well, the truth is that thinking about a trip in the future is a difficult subject for me, I'm always focused on living in the present and even making plans complicates me hahahah, but well, let's let our imagination run wild.

If I could travel to the future, I would like to go to two moments, the first one would be to travel to Paris, in 5 more years, to know where my best friend is, because in 2020 she traveled to learn French and stayed there, then I would like to know if she will continue in those lands and how she will be living, I would not like to stay there permanently, because it is not my country. On the other hand I would like to travel about 20 years ahead and get to my house, to know how it is, if I still live there or not, I would like to know if I will have a family with children and pets, it would also be interesting to see how my parents and nephews are, to discover what life has prepared for them, but I would not like to stay at that time, because the truth is that I feel that I have many stages to go through and the game of time scares me a little bit.


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