English 4: Post 7: Changes to my study programme.

 Hello everyone again, today we will talk about the syllabus of the Food Engineering career, the truth is that this is a very extensive topic, I am reaching the end of the career and I could analyze the path in many ways, but we will start with the subjects that you must study, I think there are too many, all full of details and things that for each professor should be the most important in the world, but then when you are a professional you remember that many of those things you will never use, I think they should focus a little more on the practical part applying the knowledge to real life, so much theory is boring if you do not know where to apply, there are also subjects that I would eliminate.

 The professors consider that only their branch exists and they fill you with things, it is very hard work to be able to do all the work and tasks, but one manages to generate that ability, although I would make the academic load lighter to have more time for other things, the career ends up lasting many years, I think the facilities of the faculty are sufficient but I would make the laboratories bigger and with more tools, technology is very important and not all professors use it equally, they should do courses and show them new tools, to make classes more fun and interesting, that goes hand in hand with creating innovation in teaching methods, some teachers are staying in the past.


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