
English 4: Post 7: Changes to my study programme.

 Hello everyone again, today we will talk about the syllabus of the Food Engineering career, the truth is that this is a very extensive topic, I am reaching the end of the career and I could analyze the path in many ways, but we will start with the subjects that you must study, I think there are too many, all full of details and things that for each professor should be the most important in the world, but then when you are a professional you remember that many of those things you will never use, I think they should focus a little more on the practical part applying the knowledge to real life, so much theory is boring if you do not know where to apply, there are also subjects that I would eliminate.  The professors consider that only their branch exists and they fill you with things, it is very hard work to be able to do all the work and tasks, but one manages to generate that ability, although I would make the academic load lighter to have more time for other things, the career ends up

English 4, Post 6, 'Time Travel to the future'

 Hello everyone, I hope you are well, the truth is that thinking about a trip in the future is a difficult subject for me, I'm always focused on living in the present and even making plans complicates me hahahah, but well, let's let our imagination run wild. If I could travel to the future, I would like to go to two moments, the first one would be to travel to Paris, in 5 more years, to know where my best friend is, because in 2020 she traveled to learn French and stayed there, then I would like to know if she will continue in those lands and how she will be living, I would not like to stay there permanently, because it is not my country. On the other hand I would like to travel about 20 years ahead and get to my house, to know how it is, if I still live there or not, I would like to know if I will have a family with children and pets, it would also be interesting to see how my parents and nephews are, to discover what life has prepared for them, but I would not like to stay at

English 4: Post 5: My future job

Hello everyone, today I will tell you about my ideal job, although I am currently working in a place that I really like, I have an idea of a place that would make me happy that would be a chocolate production plant, I love chocolates and as a food engineer I think it is paradise for me. I would like to work in production, that is to say inside a company, seeing how chocolates are made, the materials that are needed, the different types of packaging, the labels, seeing how customers are happy with this product, I would also like to work in the quality laboratory, analyzing samples, observing that all the standards are met, deciding what is good and what is bad, seeing the problems that exist in the materials. I think both, are places that I find very interesting and I would be happy to work there, I also believe that everyone likes chocolate, so I could travel around different countries, learning about their techniques, raw materials, culture, besides learning other things about this in

English 4: Post 4: Themed Free Post: Animals and their care.

 Hello everyone, today I am writing to you about a subject that we experience every day, but which is no less important. It is about animals and their care, many of us believe that adopting a pet is simple and that it only requires food and water, but it is not so. Here I tell you a little more about what it means to have a pet, it is about being responsible, a pet or an animal, as you prefer to call them is a living being, so just like humans need care and spaces that give them comfort. When incorporating a new member to the family we have to consider for example, how many people live in the home, how old they are, how much space and attention will be available to this new member, then it is important to be clear that like humans, this character requires medical care, so it will have to visit the doctor regularly, we must have money for their medicines both routine and in case they get sick, we must give them a lot of love, if necessary make the corresponding walks. It is important to

English 4: Post 3: PET Plastic

 Hello everyone, today I am going to talk to you about a daily and interesting topic.   The bottle is based on polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is an FDA-approved plastic and is generally used for soft drinks, dressings, vegetable oil, etc. PET is the most recycled plastic (identified by the recycling symbol with the number 1). It is one of the most versatile materials available, it is flexible, does not break, does not cut, is lightweight and economical when compared to other plastics, and can be perfectly molded into a bottle, carafe, etc. A benefit of this container is the color, since being transparent improves the perception of consumers. Contact with oxygen and humidity present in the air can generate reactions that are not very beneficial for the oil, causing oxidation reactions that eventually lead to deterioration of the product, in turn modifying its quality. The preservation time of the products, the permeability of the plastic, among other factors, have played an im

English 4: Post 2: The best holidays

 The best vacation I’ve ever had was in February 2019 before the pandemic started, it’s been about 3 years, we decided with my mom and dad to travel to the south of Chile, but the best part of this story is that we decided to travel with my 3 dogs, we had never travel with them, so it was quite an adventure.  We traveled for about three weeks, we visited beautiful places like Puerto Varas, Lago de Todos los Santos, Frutillar, Puerto Montt, Villa Rica, Pucón, Ranco, among other places I don’t remember at this time. We drove a couple of hours and decided on the same road in which city we would stay, that made it even more exciting, we had to look for cabins that would accept us with the three dogs, that was the hardest part, although they were very good girls, we had no problems. Looking for places to eat was also part of the adventure, restaurants that accepted pets, the key was to eat outdoors, I really think it was one of the best vacations I’ve ever had, to be accompanied with my pet